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If you didn't know it by now, your Mac or MacBook looks for a new version, or an update for macOS, every 7 days. If this is a long time for you and you would like updates to be checked more often, there is an option to set it. Of course, if you are not a supporter of new versions and have a hard time getting used to news, it is possible to extend the update search interval. Whether you belong to the first group or to the second group, today I have a guide for you, with which you can shorten or, on the contrary, increase the update search interval. How to do it?

Changing the update check interval

  • Let's open Terminal (either by using Launchpad or we can search for it using magnifying glass, which is located in upper right parts of the screen)
  • We copy this command (without quotes): "defaults write ScheduleFrequency -int 1"
  • Command put in the Terminal
  • The last character in the command is "1". This one replace with a number depending on how often you want your Mac to check for updates for you—it's about units of days
  • This simply means that if you replace the "1" at the end of the command with the number "69", updates will be checked every 69 days
  • After that, just confirm the command Enter

From now on, you can choose how often you want to check for new versions of macOS. In conclusion, I will mention once again that by default, updates are checked every 7 days. So if you would like to return the interval to its original setting, write the number "1" instead of the number "7" at the end of the command.
