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Sometimes you download an application on your Mac from the Internet. Due to the fact that macOS uses special protection, which monitors which application is verified and which is not, it often happens that you are simply not allowed to install. This can be a complication for a Mac newbie. Of course, however, this protection can be easily bypassed, and you can therefore install practically any application you deem appropriate on a Mac without any problems. So let's take a look together in this article on what to do when macOS blocks you from installing an app.

How to install apps other than the App Store on a Mac

In order to be able to install applications other than from the App Store on your Mac, you must enable this option in the settings. So, in the upper left part of the screen, click on apple logo icon and select an option from the menu that appears System Preferences… A new window will open, click on the option Security and privacy. Now in the lower left corner of the window click on lock icon and using the password se authorize. Then at the bottom of the window, change the u Allow apps downloaded from option on From the App Store and from well-known developers. You can then close the preferences.

With this you have activated that your Mac will not be bound only to applications downloaded from the App Store. However, if you wanted to install an application from the Internet from an unverified developer, macOS still won't let you do it. So what to do in this case?

How to install apps from unverified sources on Mac

Unfortunately, for security reasons, macOS cannot be set to automatically allow app installations from unverified sources. Therefore, if you start the installation of an unverified application and information about its blocking appears, there is no need to despair. Just open it System Preferences, and then move to the section again Security and privacy. In the lower left part of the window, click again lock icon a authorize with. In the section Allow apps downloaded from will appear again next possibility, which informs you that the installation has been blocked, or that the application has been blocked from opening. If you still want to perform the installation, just click on the option Still open. In this way, you can easily install applications even from unverified sources, i.e. from the internet, etc.

However, please note that Apple takes care of your safety and privacy with the above protection. That's why it doesn't natively support the installation of unverified apps. Some applications may contain malicious content or a virus that may abuse your data. Of course, this is not the rule, and I personally use several applications from unverified sources, with which I do not have a single problem.
