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Music is a daily part of life for many of us. Each of us is constantly looking for new artists, genres, albums and songs. You can discover new music, for example, on the radio, or within various streaming applications or on YouTube. From time to time, you may find yourself in a situation where you need to find out the name of a certain song - in this case, you can use Shazam, which can recognize the song. But what to do if you can't get recognized by Shazam? You can also search for songs by text within Apple Music and Spotify. So if you have memorized at least a few words, you still have a chance to find the song.

How to search for songs by their lyrics on iPhone

If you want to search for a song title through one of the most popular streaming apps, it's not difficult. Often it is enough to really remember only one phrase, for example, which will help you to determine the name correctly. So, below is how to search for songs by their lyrics in Spotify and Apple Music:

Searching for lyrics in Spotify

  • First, you need the application They launched Spotify.
  • Once you've done that, tap on in the bottom menu magnifying glass icon named Search.
  • Type in the top search box part of the text which you have memorized.
  • If it appears in any of the results Concordance in the text of the songsy then you win.
  • After that, all you have to do is start the song and, if necessary, add it to your favorites.

Search for lyrics in Apple Music

  • First, it is necessary that you they launched application Music.
  • Once you have done so, move to the section in the bottom menu Search with magnifying glass icon.
  • Type in the upper text box part of the text that stuck in your head.
  • If a field appears under the track name Text with search text, then you're in luck.
  • After that, you can play the song and possibly add it to your playlist.

Of course, for a successful search, it is clear that you know at least a few words from a particular song, for example a whole sentence. Obviously, if you search for just one word, you'll get all kinds of results outside of the song you're looking for. At the same time, keep in mind that you can only search by text for better-known songs for which the text is assigned in the applications. So if you decide to use the text to search for a song by an unknown (Czech) artist, you will most likely not be successful.
