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With the arrival of the iOS 13 operating system, we got a brand new Shortcuts application. Thanks to this application, we are able to create shortcuts on our apple devices, which have only one task - to simplify and speed up daily functioning, thanks to special mini-programs that each of us can create using blocks. Later, as part of iOS 14, Apple also added Automations, which are able to perform a certain action after a certain condition occurs. In this article, we'll take a look at how you can set it to automatically start low battery mode after the battery level drops below a certain level.

How to Set iPhone to Automatically Start Low Battery Mode

If you want to create an automation on your iOS device to automatically enter low battery mode after the charge drops below a certain value, it is not difficult. Proceed as follows:

  • First, move to the native app Abbreviations.
  • Once you've done that, tap on in the bottom menu Automation.
  • Now you need to click on the button Create personal automation.
    • If you already have one created, tap on the + icon at the top right.
  • Then on the next boot options screen, scroll down all the way down and tap on Battery charging.
  • Then you use it here slider set up from how many percent the low power mode should be activated.
  • Don't forget to set the option below as well falls under for the automation to work properly.
  • Once you have the percentage i drops below set, tap on the top right Next.
  • Then tap the button on the next screen Add action.
  • In the list of actions, find and click the one with the name Set low power mode.
  • Then just click on the top right Next, which will bring you to the last screen.
  • Don't forget here deactivate possibility Ask before starting, so that the automation is really done automatically.
  • In the dialog box that appears after deactivation, click on Don't ask.
  • Finally, all you have to do is press the button in the upper right corner All done.

So, in the above way, you can set it to automatically start low battery mode after its charge level drops below a certain value. By default, your iPhone will ask you if you want to activate Low Power Mode when it reaches 20% and 10%. If you set up this automation and set the consumption mode to turn on already at 20% charge (and more), then you will not even have time to see this message. So if you manually activate the low battery mode every time, then this automation is an absolute must for you. In addition, you can set the low power mode to turn off automatically - just follow the same procedure, just select the option when creating rise above and then select an option in the Set Low Power Mode action Off. Low power mode is automatically disabled by default after the charge reaches 80%.
