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In the new iOS 16.1, we finally saw the availability of Shared Photo Library on iCloud. Apple introduced this new feature along with all other functions, but unfortunately did not have time to test, prepare and complete it so that it could become part of the first version of iOS 16. If you activate the Shared Photo Library on iCloud, a special shared album will be created in which you can then contribute content together with the participants. However, in addition to contributing, participants can also edit and delete content, so you should carefully consider who you invite to your shared library - it should really be either family members or very good friends you can trust.

How to activate iCloud Shared Photo Library on iPhone

In order to use the Shared Photo Library on iCloud, it is first necessary to activate and set it up. Again, I mention that it's only available in iOS 16.1 and later, so if you still have the original version of iOS 16 installed, you won't see it. For the very first time, you can encounter information about the shared library after the first launch of the Photos application in iOS 16.1, and then you can set it up and turn it on. Anyway, if you haven't done so, you can of course also activate the shared library manually at any time. It's not complicated, just follow this procedure:

  • First, go to the native app on your iPhone Settings.
  • Once you do, get off below and click the box with the name Photos.
  • Then scroll down a bit and locate the category called Library.
  • Within this category, then click on the box Shared library.
  • This will display iCloud Shared Photo Library setup guide, through which you pass.

So, in the above way, it is possible to simply activate and set up Shared Photo Library on iCloud on your iPhone, through the initial wizard. As part of this guide, it is possible to immediately invite the first participants to the shared library, but in addition, there are also settings for several preferences, for example saving content to the shared library directly from the Camera, the function of automatically switching saving between personal and shared library and much more. In the next few days, we will of course cover the iCloud Shared Photo Library in more depth in the tutorial section so that you can use it to the maximum.
