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I have been involved in photography and photo editing for a long time. While many photographers share the opinion that iPhone and other newer phones easily they cannot compete with mirror ones cameras, so I personally think that the latest (and not only) apple phones can already compete with SLRs in certain "disciplines" and on the contrary, they can also overtake. In the case of iPhones, however, Apple does it differently than manufacturers of classic SLR cameras. He is trying to go through the whole process mainly connect the hardware, who can do many things "count up".

With last year's iPhones, we witnessed a performance night mode, which works mainly thanks to powerful processor, who iPhone from the line 11 offers. Unfortunately, Apple has decided that night mode and other new features will be exclusive only with these the latest device. This means that nowadays, for example, the very capable iPhone X, or even the iPhone 8, simply has a night mode at its core he can't. This understandably did not sit well with many users, who continued to demand that night mode appear on older iPhones. Apple is in this unyielding, which on the other hand gave the possibility developers, To they performed a they showed what he can do In my "career" I've had the chance to try quite a few different iPhone photography apps, and I have to admit that there are countless great apps available on the App Store that can easily outperforms the native Camera from Apple.

It is undoubtedly one of the most comprehensive photography applications Halide. However, if we look at apps that allow users to take pictures in night mode, so they still exist better apps. Personally, the application works best for me when taking photos in night conditions NeuralCam NightMode. This application will cost you 79 crowns, but I can guarantee you that you will not regret – i.e. if you want to use the night mode also on older iPhones. The fact that this application appeared in the NeuralCam speaks for its quality selected applications from Apple. If you decide to buy the app, it is very easy to use simple a intuitive. Either you decide to let the whole app do its job and leave the settings on vending machine, or you throw yourself into manual setting, which the native Camera simply does not offer. The first option will be appreciated primarily by amateurs, while the manual setting will be appreciated by professionals who know "what and how".

neuralcam night mode
Source: Halcyon Mobile

Application NeuralCam NightMode is available at all iPhones 6 and later, which is definitely a large range of devices and practically every user of the iOS operating system will find something to their liking. In the NeuralCam NightMode application, there are also functions for manual focus, light illumination of the entire scene, the ability to choose the format in which the photo will be taken, the ability to set the aspect ratio and many other interesting functions. He also talks about the qualities of this application positive reviews and ratings in the App Store.
