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It's basically impossible to please everyone, and Apple itself knows that. While one group of people welcomes the shortcut to turn on the flashlight directly on the iPhone X/XS/XR lock screen, others criticize it and ask Apple to remove it. The reason for their dissatisfaction is the too frequent, unwanted activation of the flashlight during normal use of the phone.

According to USA Today hundreds of users complain to Apple about the flashlight shortcut placed directly on the home screen. The problem is not the abbreviation itself, but its unwanted use. According to many, it is too easy to activate it. Most people only find out that the flashlight is turned on after they take their phone out of their pocket. Some notice the light shining through their clothes, while others are alerted to the active flashlight by passers-by on the street.

iPhone X FB

However, the main reason for complaints is the subsequent lower battery life. Frequent use of the flashlight is one of the main causes of rapid depletion of the remaining battery capacity. Often, a few minutes of lighting is enough and the flashlight immediately gets to the top of the list of applications that use up the phone's battery the most. Users are therefore asking Apple to add an option to the settings that would allow them to disable the flashlight shortcut on the lock screen.

No one in our editorial office has encountered the problem described above on their iPhone X/XS. However, we are interested in how you feel about the specific shortcut and whether you also activate the flashlight often or sporadically by mistake. You can tell us your opinion in the poll below and also in the comments.

Do you ever accidentally activate the flashlight on your iPhone's lock screen?

Yes, often
Yes, but only occasionally
I don't know that that would ever happen to me
No never
Created with QuizMaker
