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Most of us use screenshots several times a day. You can use them to simply save the content that is currently happening on the screen. You can use them, for example, to save a recipe, quickly share some content on a social network, or to send conversations from other people. Most of you have probably been in such a situation when someone sent you messages from another chat. From time to time there may be a part of this screenshot, most often a message that the person crossed out before sending. However, if this erasing process has been done incorrectly, there is a very simple way to display the crossed-out content.

How to find out the content of crossed-out messages on iPhone

If someone sent you a screenshot of a crossed-out message on your iPhone and you want to find out what's in it, it's not difficult. Even before we jump into the procedure itself, you are probably wondering how this is possible. The procedure below to reveal crossed-out content only works if the highlighter tool has been used. Many users prefer this tool when ticking because its area is larger than a classic brush. But this is a fatal flaw - as the name suggests, this tool is only used for highlighting. After using a black highlighter, it may appear on the screen that the content is completely hidden - but in reality it is only very dark, and you only need to lighten and adjust the image to show it. The procedure is as follows:

  • First, you need to save the specific screenshot to Photos.
  • You can either take a screenshot directly impose, or do another screenshot.
  • Once you've done that, move into the app Fotky and screenshot here open.
  • Now in the upper right corner tap on the button Edit.
  • In the bottom menu, then make sure that you are in the section with switch icon.
  • Now it is necessary for you to value 100 (far right) moved the options Exposure, Reflections, Lights and Shadows.
  • Once you've done that, move on to the value -100 (far left) option Contrast.
  • This is it will display the content checked with the highlighter.

Thus, the content of crossed-out messages can be displayed on the iPhone in the above-mentioned way. You must be wondering now how you can defend yourself against such "abuse" - it's certainly not complicated. If you're going to send someone a screenshot that contains some content you don't want to share, tick it with a classic brush and not a highlighter. It is absolutely ideal that you eventually crop the content entirely, if possible of course. Definitely put in the extra work of a few seconds - as you can see above, the process of displaying "hidden" content can only take a few seconds.

highlighted message
Source: Jablíčkář.cz editors