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Almost everyone reads the news on the iPhone screen. Some people visit individual news sites in the Safari browser, some prefer RSS readers, others use applications of individual news platforms. In today's article, we will introduce the Storyfa application, whose task is to regularly bring you the latest news from home and the world.


After launching the application, you will be greeted with a home screen with a selection of main messages. On the panel in the upper part of the display is the application logo, on its right side we find buttons for the list of recommended portals and logging into the Storyfa account. Under this panel, you can then go to recommended portals or trending news. Below the message overview panel you will find information about Storyfa's features, and on the panel at the bottom of the display there is a search button, a button to switch to your own selection of channels and content, and a share button. The appearance of the application is simple, clear and pleasantly sober.


The Storyfa application can serve you an overview of the main news in Czech by itself without any settings. For each category, you will find only a handful of selected news in the main feed, additional content can be viewed by clicking on Read more. You can add the selected categories to the list of favorites by clicking on the corresponding button. However, you can fully customize the news channel - you can either choose from the sources that are listed in the individual categories, or use the magnifying glass to search for your own sources and add them to your channel. With a simple click, you can share links to a complete overview of articles from specific sources to e-mail, Evernote, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest and many other places. You can also use the Storyfa app on your iPad, and you can also log into your account on


If you are looking for a really simple application for reading your favorite news sources, which is not complicated at all and offers only basic functions, then Storyfa will certainly be an attractive choice for you. If you are used to sophisticated RSS readers with a number of functions, you probably won't like it. It is fully sufficient for basic and quick use, the advantage is the possibility of using it even without the need for registration, but unfortunately the option to use the Sign in with Apple function is still missing.
