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A few months ago, Apple presented new versions of its operating systems at the developer conference. Specifically, these are iOS and iPadOS 16, macOS 13 Ventura, and watchOS 9. These new systems include some great features that are definitely worth checking out. One of the many new features is the Shared Photo Library on iCloud, which is a special library that you can share with other users, such as family or friends. You can then automatically save content to the shared library, or move it there manually, with the provision that all users will immediately have access to it and will be able to work with it.

iOS 16: How to enable content deletion notification in shared library

In addition to the fact that all users with whom it is shared can add content to the shared library, they can also edit and delete it. For that reason, it is very important to choose carefully with whom you actually want to share the shared library. It could simply happen that one of the members starts deleting some photos or videos, which of course is not entirely ideal. But Apple took this into account and added a function to the shared library, thanks to which you can be informed about the deletion of content through notifications. The procedure is as follows:

  • First, you need to go to the native app on your iPhone Settings.
  • Once you do, slide down something below, where find and click the section Photos.
  • Then move here again lower, where to find the category Library.
  • Open a line within this category Shared library.
  • Here you just need to switch activated function Deletion notice.

Using the above procedure, it is possible to activate a feature on your iPhone with iOS 16 that allows you to receive regular notifications when other participants delete added content from the shared library. If you find that one of the users is deleting the content, you can do a quick process with them and remove it from the shared library - just click on their name above, then on the Remove from shared library box.
