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One of the popular and useful features in iOS and macOS is certainly the automatic filling of security SMS codes into forms. At the same time, it was originally a sidekick and not the planned main function.

Apple's software engineer Ricky Mondello explained on his Twitter how the popular auto-completion function came to be. You might be surprised that it was not originally a planned part of the main development branch of the systems, but a "side" project.

“We were working on a much more ambitious project in a small group of software engineers. Autofilling security SMS codes wasn't the work of one person, and it wasn't what we were originally working on. We jotted down the idea and then returned to a much more ambitious project. But in the end it didn't work out at all. We eventually came back to this idea. It was difficult, but I'm glad we finished the idea.''

The function of automatic filling of SMS codes was created as a sidekick, says the engineer

Copy to clipboard is not the same as autofill

Mondello goes on to add that the genius of autofilling security codes is that they don't interfere with developers user security and privacy.

“After all these years, I'm still proud of the team that we completed the feature. The team combined expertise from several areas and the result worked from day one. We didn't need any collaboration with apps and website builders, we didn't hand over text messages to anyone to analyze. This inspires me!”

However, many users point out that Android had a similar feature years before the Apple platform.

"No. It depends on the detail. It depends on safety. And copy to clipboard is not the same as autofill.

Auto-completion of security SMS codes works from iOS 12 and macOS 10.14 Mojave.

How satisfied are you with the feature? Does it also work for you in the Czech localization? Share with us in the discussion.

Source: 9to5Mac
