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The TV commercials that Apple regularly releases do not apply to us. We don't see them on air in the Czech Republic and can only watch them on YouTube. In the latest spot, the Czech customer is not even concerned with the topic itself. It is about Apple TV and Siri.

The minute-long commercial stars Nikolaj Coster-Waldau (Game of Thrones) and Alison Brie (Community, Mad Men), shows what options the Siri Remote offers on the new Apple TV. This means voice control, which is not available in the Czech Republic due to the absence of Czech Siri.

However, in the ad where the actors try to prepare for the "kissing" scene in the trailer, the aforementioned couple shows how easy it is to rewind movies, search for them and play your favorite music on Apple TV without having to press anything.

In addition to the mentioned actors, their actions also appear in the ad. Alison Brie tries to imitate a scene from the movie A thousand times good night, where Nikolaj Coster-Waldau plays the main role, and subsequently wants to repeat the popular series Game of Thrones, where Coster-Waldau again played the role of Jaime Lannister.
