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The App Store is literally overflowing with puzzle games. I'll also download one from time to time and spend a few hours with it, but it's often the same concept, just dressed up in a slightly different jacket. However, a few weeks ago I was drawn to the game Causality and there was a reason. At first glance, the traditional puzzle game offers elements that you don't have to fully understand even after several hours of playing.

The main objective is to guide the astronaut through the playing field to the square of the same color as his space suit. Traditionally, various obstacles await him along the way, which you can avoid by changing direction with an arrow or perhaps a switch that removes a wall.

Like many other games, Causality has a limited number of moves, different in each level, but on the other hand, you can easily move back and forth from start to finish if you want to change some decisions. This is especially crucial given the main element of the whole game - time manipulation.

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In Causality, you can enter different time loops with astronauts, either through special portals or outside them, and change the history of your decisions. The protagonists can suddenly meet themselves from the past on the playing field and help each other solve tasks. Even with a certain combination of steps, you can also come across time paradoxes, which again help to solve entire levels.

However, the problem (and fun at the same time) can be that, at least initially, the movements in time will complicate the game. How all the mechanisms work is not only difficult to describe in this text, but frankly, it is often not easy to understand them at all. In this, however, lies the great charm of Causality, which thus receives an additional charge compared to other logical games.

As you progress through the levels, of which there are sixty in total so far, various novelties are unlocked, including time travel, but Causality has no explanatory notes or anything like that. You have to figure everything out yourself and very often there is only one correct way to the goal, even though there are a lot of variants that suddenly appear. Because you control the field itself, the movement of the astronauts, and then their copies in another timeline come into it, and that's where the real fun begins.

If you like puzzle games, then Causality should be an obvious choice for you just because it offers something new. In addition, the whole game is also great in terms of graphics and it's a joy to play, even if you've been struggling with a single level for long minutes. Two euros is a good investment in this case.

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