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In this regular column, every day we look at the most interesting news that revolves around the California company Apple. Here we focus exclusively on the main events and selected (interesting) speculations. So if you are interested in current events and want to be informed about the apple world, definitely spend a few minutes on the following paragraphs.

Apple has applied for a trademark registration for the phrase in Hong Kong

The Californian giant, as a huge company, quite often registers various patents and trademarks. According to the latest information from the magazine Patently Apple, who specializes in uncovering the mentioned patents, has just discovered another great catch. In fact, the apple company has reportedly applied for a new trademark registration for the slogan in Hong Kong iPhone for Life.

iPhone for Life Hong Kong
Source: Patently Apple

This phrase has been associated mainly with mobile operators and authorized resellers of Apple products for many years, and the most famous company using this slogan is probably the American operator Spring, which promotes iPhone leasing with it. But what's more interesting is that Apple itself has never used the phrase until now.

App Store Connect comes with a new icon

If you are a developer and program your applications for Apple phones or tablets, you are probably very familiar with the App Store Connect tool. This is a program intended for the aforementioned developers, who serve as administrators of their iOS applications. App Store Connect contains data about apps, their "performance" and sales, and allows publishers to access user reviews.

App Store Connect icon
Source: MacRumors

Thanks to the latest App Store Connect update, the developers received new icons in addition to a few novelties. As you can see in the image attached above, the newer icon boasts a more complex design at first glance, which has a slightly three-dimensional effect on the viewer. Until now, the tool boasted a simple icon.

Hackers discovered 55 bugs in Apple's systems and came up with a hefty reward

The Californian giant is quite popular in the community of its users, all over the world. Fans are especially happy that Apple is aware of the importance of the privacy of its users and offers them relatively more security than what we would find with competitors. Of course, nothing is perfect and there is always a mistake. Apple is fully aware that various bugs can be found in its operating systems, and therefore tries to minimize their number. It is precisely for this reason that he runs a program in which he financially rewards anyone who reveals a security risk. That's exactly what a group of hackers managed to do, and they managed to earn more than a million crowns.

This group consisting of hackers like Sam Curry, Brett Buerhaus, Ben Sadeghipour, Samuel Erb and Tanner Barnes spent three months hacking Apple platforms and services to discover some of the aforementioned security flaws. And as it turned out - they were quite successful. Specifically, they found 55 vulnerabilities of different categories, with some bugs even being critical. A detailed description was published by Sam Curry on his website, where he says that they encountered a really wide selection of flaws in the very core of Apple's infrastructure, which could even allow an attacker to endanger both customers and Apple employees themselves.

MacBook Pro virus hack malware
Source: Pexels

Apple's reaction time is definitely worth highlighting. As soon as an error was reported and indicated how serious it was, it was corrected quite quickly. Currently, the vast majority of security risks should have been fixed, while the repair of one of them took approximately one to two working days. In the case of critical errors, it was even four to six hours. And how much money did they end up with? So far, the group has received four "payouts," which add up to $51, or almost 1,18 million crowns.
