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The developers from Cultured Code did talk about preparing an iPad version of Things, but I rather expected that we would have to wait a few months. To my even greater surprise, Things for iPad is available on the Appstore today!

They probably didn't want to miss the chance to make themselves even more popular with users, so I assume that since the end of January (the presentation of the iPad), the guys at Cultured Code haven't slept more or less. But the result is worth it in my opinion - a kind of mix of the Mac and iPhone version was created.

For the time being, even the iPad version probably lacks repetitive tasks, which should soon appear in the iPhone version (and thus certainly also in the iPad version). For the time being, search is also missing, which appeared in the new version of Things on the iPhone.

But already in its first version, Things looks really good on the iPad and it will not be missing from my iPad. However, we will have to pay extra for the iPad version, it is currently available in the Appstore with a price tag of €15,99.

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