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Google is well aware of people who are interested in its services but also want to stick with their iOS device. So now it is expanding its numerous base of iOS applications with Photo Sphere, which is not primarily used to use Google services, but to create content.

iOS offers Panorama as one of its photo modes, which is very successful in itself. Additionally, there are many other apps capable of the same in the App Store. Photo Sphere goes one step further, because it captures not only the "stripe" around, but also "above" and "down" (hence the name sphere). After starting the application and initiating a photo shoot, a large part of the display is covered by a gray area with a "view" of the world through the camera. In the middle of this view we see a white annulus and an orange circle, which we have to connect by moving the device, after which the photo will be taken. We repeat this process in all possible directions until the entire gray environment is filled with photos, after which the application creates a "sphere".

This creates the same effect as seen in Google Street View, where we can view the complete environment in all directions. We can also use the gyroscope and compass to navigate the "virtual environment" as we move through the "photosphere" by turning the device.

The created "photospheres" can be shared on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and in the special section of Google Map, "Views". In addition, it is possible that the given creation will be used by Google itself to enrich Street View. Google essentially combined the useful with the pleasant with this application, allowing users to create captures of any environment, with the understanding that they can be used to augment Street View if they are relevant.

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Source: TechCrunch