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Company Etnetera Logicworks received Apple Authorized Reseller certification with a focus on the corporate segment. It is now part of the official Apple sales channel in the Czech Republic. At the same time, this certification became a confirmation of the quality of their services.

Etnetera Logicworks is a leading Apple technology service organization in the Czech Republic, which deals with IT consultations and service for Apple desktop and laptop computers, iPhone mobile phones and iPad tablets. Services are primarily intended for corporate clients and include server management, data backup and availability, installation and configuration of software, hardware and Mobile Device Management deployment. It has been operating on the market since 2004.

The mission of the company is a satisfied client in all respects. A functioning and reliable IT background is the basis of every prosperous company. There is a very strong orientation towards the client, customer support, great service and Apple products, which belong to the top of the IT market.

"The level of ICT use is considered a critical factor contributing to the competitiveness and performance of companies. Therefore, our goal is to help clients innovate their business plans, models and investments in IT so that these investments are primarily functional and help clients drive growth. I am pleased that Apple approached us and I consider receiving this status as a confirmation of our values," said Ivan Malík, CEO of Etnetera Logicworks.

Since 2013, Logicworks has been part of the technology group Etnetera Group, whose mission is to help its clients grow and create new sources of value in the era of digital transformation.

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