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The very sad news flooded all the media and saddened almost every IT fan. Today, one of the most prominent people in the technological world, the visionary, founder and long-time head of Apple, died Steve Jobs. His health problems plagued him for several years until he finally succumbed to them.

Steve Jobs

1955 – 2011

Apple lost a visionary and creative genius, and the world lost an amazing person. Those of us who were fortunate enough to know and work with Steve have lost a dear friend and inspiring mentor. Steve left behind a company that only he could have built, and his spirit will forever be a cornerstone of Apple.

These words were published by Apple on its official website. Apple's board of directors also issued a statement:

It is with deep sadness that we announce the passing of Steve Jobs today.

Steve's genius, passion and energy have been the source of countless innovations that have enriched and improved our lives. The world is immeasurably better because of Steve.

Most of all, he loved his wife, Lauren, and his family. Our hearts go out to them and all those touched by his incredible gift.

His family also commented on Jobs' death:

Steve passed away peacefully today surrounded by his family.

In public, Steve was known as a visionary. In his private life, he took care of his family. We are grateful to the many people who wished Steve well and prayed for him during the last year of his illness. A page will be set up where people can share their memories of him and pay tribute to him.

We are grateful for the support and kindness of people who sympathize with us. We know that many of you will be grieving with us and we ask that you respect our privacy during this time of grief.

Finally, another IT giant commented on the departure of Steve Jobs from this world, Bill Gates:

I was really saddened by the news of Jobs' death. Melinda and I extend our deepest condolences to his family, as well as to his friends and all who were connected to Steve through his work.

Steve and I met almost 30 years ago, we have been colleagues, competitors and friends for almost half of our lives.

It's rare for the world to see someone who has the profound impact that Steve had on it. One that will influence several generations after him.

It was an incredible honor for those lucky enough to work with him. I will miss Steve tremendously.

Jobs was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2004, but it was a less aggressive type of tumor, so the tumor was successfully removed without the need for chemotherapy. His health took a turn for the worse in 2008. His health problems culminated in a liver transplant in 2009. Finally, this year, Steve Jobs announced that he was going on medical leave and finally handed over the scepter to Tim Cook, who successfully stood in for him during his absence. Not long after resigning as CEO, Steve Jobs left this world.

Steve Jobs was born in Mountain View, California as an adopted son and grew up in the city of Cupertino, where Apple is still based. Together Steve Wozniak, Ronald Wayne a AC Markkulou founded Apple Computer in 1976. The second Apple II computer was an unprecedented success and the team around Steve Jobs gained worldwide acclaim.

After a power struggle with John Scully Steve left Apple in 1985. He retained only one single share of his company. His obsession and perfectionism led him to create another computer company - NeXT. Simultaneously with this activity, however, he also worked at the Pixar animation studio. After 12 years, he returned - to save the dying Apple. He pulled off a masterstroke. Apple sold the operating system NeXT STEP, which later morphed into Mac OS. The real turning point for Apple was only in 2001, when it introduced the first iPod and thus changed the music world together with iTunes. However, the real breakthrough came in 2007, when Steve Jobs introduced the first iPhone.

Steve Jobs lived to be "only" 56 years old, but during that time he was able to build one of the largest companies in the world and put it back on its feet several times during its existence. If it weren't for Jobs, mobile phones, tablets, computers and the music market might look completely different. So we pay tribute to this brilliant visionary. Although he is gone from this world, his legacy will live on.

You can send your ideas, memories and condolences to

We will all miss you Steve, rest in peace.
