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The Canadian development studio Ludia, together with the film studio Universal, is preparing a new game for iOS and Android using the possibility of augmented reality. It will not be just any title, because thanks to it we will see dinosaurs. Jurassic World Alive will be released sometime this spring.

In practice, it should be a game based on a similar principle as Pokémon GO, which drove a huge number of players crazy last year. So the player will move around the world and the game will record his current location on the game map. The primary goal of players will be to collect the eggs of individual dinosaurs (or their DNA with the help of a special in-game drone) or to discover new species. The developers promise that it will not be a bad clone of Pokémon GO and that they will offer players some extra game mechanics.

We would expect, for example, battles between dinosaurs and groups of individual players, as well as the behavior and cultivation of our own species. The game will also offer a kind of photo mode, in which players will be able to take pictures with dinosaurs that they encounter during their travels. Coincidentally, the game will be released shortly before the new installment of Jurassic Park hits theaters, which is scheduled to premiere on June 22. You can watch the opening trailer above this paragraph. During the spring, we should see several titles that will support elements of augmented reality. In addition to the now mentioned Jurassic Park, there should also be a special AR game from the Harry Potter environment or another one inspired by the theme of Ghostbusters.

Source: 9to5mac

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