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The end of the jailbreak has been predicted for a long time. Another blow came this week in the form of a significant limitation of the functions of the Cydia store - its operators stopped selling applications due to lack of interest on the part of users. Cydia creator Saurik announced his intention on the discussion forum Reddit after a bug was discovered in the platform posing a potential risk to user data.

Saurik said the flaw only affects a limited number of users who are logged into the tweak store and browse repositories with unverified content, something users were discouraged from doing from the start. He also added that the error did not affect data related to PayPal accounts. Finally, in a statement, Saurik said that he was considering shutting down the Cydia Store at the end of this year, and the appearance of the bug only accelerated his decision.

According to his own words, Cydia no longer earns him money and he himself does not pay much attention to its maintenance - Cydia has recently exhausted its creator both financially and psychologically. In addition, the income from its operation is no longer enough to pay the handful of loyal workers who still work for Saurik. Buying tweaks from Cydia is no longer possible at this time, users can download the items they have already paid for and install them on their jailbroken devices.

Saurik plans to issue an official statement regarding Cydia's shutdown in the near future - but the restriction currently only applies to the online store. The Electra team is currently working hard on the development of the Sileo platform, which should fully replace Cydia.

cydia jailbreak

Source: iPhoneHacks
