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Yesterday, Apple introduced the new iPad Pro and the new Magic Keyboard, which is special in that it has a trackpad inside. In just a few days, every iPad owner will be able to test trackpad or mouse support directly. And how exactly it will work, Apple Vice President Craig Federighi has now shown in a video.

New update iPadOS 13.4 will arrive next week. Until then, we'll have to make do with The Verge's video, in which Craig Federighi shows how the new feature works. It also answers some questions about trackpad support and functionality that weren't clear from Apple's press release.

In the beginning of the video, he pointed out that the cursor works completely differently on iPadOS than what we are used to. One of the things, for example, is that if you don't use a mouse or trackpad, the cursor won't be visible. This can also be seen in the fact that the cursor itself is not an arrow, but a wheel that transforms differently if you hover over an interactive item. You can see it very well at the beginning of the GIF below. You can watch the full video directly at The Verge website.

ipad for trackpad

Apple has also prepared various gestures that can be done using the trackpad. Fortunately, these gestures are very similar to those in MacOS, so you won't have to learn them from scratch. Mouse and trackpad support will also make working with text much easier. Macbook and iPad have thus become closer in terms of functionality and it is quite possible that in a few years they will merge into one product.
