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In the App Store you will find a whole range of different converters, while most of them will offer essentially the same thing, and the difference is mainly in the control and in the graphic processing. Converter Touch excels in both areas and offers you a few more interesting features.

The user interface is divided into three parts. The first upper part is the transmission part. In it, you will see from which quantity you are converting and the results will be displayed here. Right below it is a bar with groups of quantities. Among them you will find practically all quantities that can be converted in some way. There is also an automatically updated currency converter as well as popular conversions and history. But more on that later.

In the lower part, which takes up more than half of the entire screen, there are individual values. If you click on any of them, nothing happens. It is necessary to hold the finger on the given quantity. After a bubble appears above your finger, you can move it. And where with her? Either you move it to another quantity in the table, thereby determining the type and direction of the conversion. So you don't have to select each quantity separately, you just move one field to another. Another option is to drag the quantity to the left or right side of the conversion section. You can use this for groups with multiple items, such as name conversion, where scrolling is necessary and both fields are not visible at the same time.

If you selected the conversion in the first way, a calculator will automatically appear, with which you enter the value to be converted. If you chose the second method, you need to click on the upper part for the calculator. Above the calculator buttons you will find four more buttons. With the first one, marked with an asterisk, you save the conversion of the given quantities to the favorites group, which you can then edit via the settings hidden at the bottom left (gear wheel, visible only when the calculator is inactive). The other two buttons are used for inserting and copying numerical values. The last button will then change the direction of the conversion. If you want to go back to the conversions you counted before, the last 20 conversions are saved in the history. You can find it in the bar on the far left, right next to the favorite transfers.

As you can see, entering transfers is very easy and fast. A big plus is also the beautiful graphical interface, which can only be compared with the competition convertbot, however, it does not offer such simple controls and costs a dollar more. I've been using Converter Touch for a few weeks now and can highly recommend it for the nominal price of one dollar.

Converter Touch - €0,79 / Free