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Google has published lists of trends that users of its search engine searched for on the Internet in 2021. It is clear that the world was interested in football, the accident of actor Alec Baldwin, but also Phase 3 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. 

If you want to look up 2021 in Google search, you can do so on his website. Here you will find overviews not only for the whole world, but also for individual countries, including the Czech Republic. However, the individual categories differ for the given countries, so they are united only by a global selection reflecting the behavior of all Google search engine users around the world.

Curiosities from the world 

The 2020 European Football Championship, also referred to as UEFA Euro 2020, was the 16th European Football Championship originally scheduled to take place from 12 June to 12 July 2020, but was postponed by a year due to the covid-19 pandemic in Europe. Although the tournament was postponed to 2021 (the tournament was held from June 11 to July 11), it retained its original name, including the year. The joke here is that in the 5th place of the global search ranking there is a term Euro 2021, not Euro 2020. So, as you can see, the organizers should have resorted to renaming, because they only caused a lot of confusion this way. However, football is also related to other searches. It was the second most searched video game in the world FIFA 22 coins. They are among the most sought-after sports clubs in the world Real Madrid CFChelsea fcParis Saint-Germain FC a FC Barcelona.

Although Bitcoin is the most popular cryptocurrency in the world, it has been overtaken by the News section Dogecoin, i.e. a cryptocurrency whose symbol is the legendary Shiba-Inu dog known from Internet memes. In addition, this currency was created as a recession, already in 2013. However, it gained popularity during this year, because it climbed to its historical maximum (however, most cryptocurrencies succeeded in this). Although, of course, the price fell afterwards, this currency has grown by more than 17 thousand percent since its inception.

Unhappy Alec Baldwin 

The tragedy that happened during the filming of the film Rust went around the world. Here, Alec Baldwin accidentally killed cameraman Halyna Hutchins with a pistol shot. The case is still quite alive and therefore continues to grow in trends as people search for new and new information. The actor published the latter in an interview with ABC television, in which he mentions that he rejects the blame for the death of his colleague. Password "Alec Baldwin” took first place not only in the search for actors, but also for people in general.

However, people were interested in other things in the film industry. Most often, it was the comic works from the Marvel company, because the picture became the most sought-after movie Eternals, when it follows it Black Widow. Fall hit Dune is third, with the 4th position belonging to another "Marvel" Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings. The fifth is then Netflix's most successful film Red Notice. This streaming network also scored in TV shows, and of course it did Squid Game, i.e. the Squid Game, which was the most popular in the search. 
