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Games, whether on consoles, but slowly also on mobile devices, are becoming more and more realistic and try to attract and involve the player as much as possible. The gaming experience can be enhanced in many ways, for example with a quality audio system, and now Philips offers another option for an enhanced experience. Its Hue smart bulbs will now light up according to what's happening on the screen.

Philips announced the first such collaboration with Frima Studio and its popular cooperative platform game Push Trolley, which is available for Xbox One. Chariot will be the first game connected to the smart Philips Hue system, the bulbs of which will be automatically synchronized and will shine in the color and intensity as the gameplay demands.

In practice, this will mean that when you v Chariot an enemy attacks, the Hue bulbs turn red, when a colorful plant develops, your room lights up in its colors. The possibilities are almost endless and it will only be a matter of how the developers use the possibilities of the lighting system.

[youtube id=”mAmYUt1-5Rg” width=”620″ height=”360″]

In addition, Philips continues its collaboration with Syfy and prepares its Hue bulbs for the new film as well Sharknado 3: Oh Hell No! (Shark Tornado 3), which premieres on July 22. With Syfy Sync (available only in the US App Store) it will also be possible to connect this movie to the lights in the living room. This time, Hue works on the principle of eavesdropping, where it knows which lights to turn on based on the sound.

For now, these are just the first swallows, but it can be expected that Philips will want to expand its system to other games and potentially platforms. Even now, the lights themselves get along well with iPhones and iPads, so we could eventually expect our smart lights to respond to games on iOS devices as well.

Source: MacRumors, The Verge