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Google's Chrome web browser should soon learn to load pages much faster. Acceleration will be ensured by a new algorithm called Brotli, whose task is to compress the loaded data. Brotli was introduced back in September, and according to Google, it will compress data up to 26% better than the current Zopfli engine.

Ilji Grigorika, who is in charge of "web performance" at Google, commented that the Brotli engine is already completely ready for launch. So users should feel an increase in browsing speed immediately after installing the next Chrome update. Google then also stated that the influence of the Brotli algorithm will also be felt by mobile users, who will save mobile data and the battery of their device thanks to it.

The company sees great potential in Brotli and hopes that this engine will soon appear in other web browsers as well. Brotli works on the principle of open source code. Mozilla's Firefox browser is the first to use the new algorithm after Chrome.

Source: the verge