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Press Release: Nowadays, there are various applications that can be used to earn money online. Automated platforms do the hard work for you, better than most investors. Read about one that offers a variety of online income options.

You don't have to be an expert in investing and charting, and you can still take advantage of the benefits available to professionals. An example can be the investment application NAGA  based on social commerce that offers up to 4 interesting options appreciation of money. 

Autocopying successful traders

You can use your favorite trade copy function of the most successful traders that you choose yourself and whose complete statistics you can see online. E.g. what they invest in, what is their success rate, how much they have already earned, the number of people copying, etc.

Example of 3 marketers that hundreds of people copy in the app:

havlena merchant

So, through the autocopy function, you automatically imitate their trades. It can be shares of well-known companies, various commodities (such as gold), cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin, etc.), forex (world currencies EUR, USD, etc.). You just set how big or small a percentage of your money you want to invest by copying the most successful ones. 

More investment options with this app

Other options are to invest in pre-prepared thematic portfolios or use CYBO's artificial intelligence function to take care of your investments.

The last option is to make money by letting yourself be copied. That is you also get paid every time someone copies your store. 

Computer and phone

In addition to PC, you can also operate everything on your phone via the Apple/Android application. You can invest even 500 euros, but that's all you can try it first here.

The multi investment account offers free of charge:

  • Access to trading stocks, CFDs, Forex and ETFs
  • Autocopy feature allowing you to copy the best traders with proven statistics
  • Asset management tool and personal Robo-Advisor
  • A secure cryptocurrency wallet
  • Personal account for trading real cryptos on the NAGAX exchange
  • Own bank account with three currencies (€, $, £) with Mastercard 

Keep in mind that this is financial derivative trading that is risky and not suitable for all investors. However, you can use risk free demo account. 
