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It is an exaggeration to say that previous scandals like antennagate and bendgate were a breeze for Apple compared to the current bagelgate. The seemingly insignificant fact that the newly introduced bagel emoticon was dry and empty filled the internet. However, the Cupertino company corrected this shortcoming with dizzying speed, and disappointed users can now happily use their devices again.

The bagel, a circular-shaped bun with a hole in the middle that originated in Jewish culture, is popular primarily in the United States, Canada, and Great Britain. In our parts, where we rarely come into contact with this delicacy, this affair may therefore make even less sense. However, for example, Nikita Richardson, author of the New York online magazine Grub Street, wrote an entire article about the new emoticon called Apple's bagel emoticon will disappoint many New Yorkers.

"This is an emoji that New Yorkers and bagel lovers around the world have been waiting for, and the disappointment of it is truly devastating," writes, for example, Richardson, expressing not only his own emotions, but also those of many other users who expressed themselves via Twitter.

Users were disappointed with the new bagel emoticon not only because it was completely empty, but also because of its general appearance. According to many, the bagel pictured looks more like a semi-frozen factory product than a beloved delicacy. For example, Richardson points to an obviously stiff interior of a pastry or an overly smooth surface. "And it's really a bagel unless there's an enormous amount of cream cheese," he asks at the end of his post.

Apple reacted relatively quickly to the internet outraged by the pastry and significantly changed the mentioned emoticon in the new iOS 12.1. In addition to the pastry surface, which now has a different texture and color, he added what disgruntled users wanted most - cream cheese. Not everyone is happy with that either, as can be seen for example in the Twitter post above this paragraph. According to its author, for example, the filling should be butter and the new bagel looks unbaked. However, let's hope that this is only an exception and the so-called bagelgate can be closed for good. However you feel about this case, it's good to think about how we sometimes deal with petty problems as a human being.

Bagel before and after. | Source: The Verge