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So we are slowly saying goodbye to the iPod touch and with it actually the entire iPod family. But when is Apple going to cut its Apple Watch Series 3, which is historically even older than the last model of the iPod touch? Although this series will certainly be with us for many years to come, this series of watches is no longer quite suitable for today's times. Or yes? 

Apple launched its 7th generation iPod touch on May 28, 2019, but the Apple Watch Series 3 is older. Much older. They were introduced on September 22, 2017, and yes, you count the administration, they will be 5 years old in September, which is a really long time for similar hardware. Not so that it will always serve, but that it will always be sold as new.

They are still ideal for the undemanding 

Technology flies forward at an incredible pace and to buy a 5-year-old device today, even if in the original store, in the original packaging and just brand new, is a little over the line, you might say. Yes, for tech enthusiasts for sure, as well as for those who appreciate the presence of any more advanced features. But then there is the other group of users. She simply wants an Apple smart watch that will inform her of events on her phone and maybe measure her activities here and there. And that's all.


They don't need to check their ECG, oxygen saturation or fall detection, and they don't even need to install any apps on the watch. These are undemanding users who want to be included in the ecosystem and on their hands and are not satisfied with some fitness bracelets. However, they still don't want to spend unnecessarily on more modern versions, whose potential is not actually used.

Waiting for a successor 

It therefore makes sense that the company still sells the Apple Watch Series 3, just as it makes sense to have the Apple Watch SE and Series 7 in its portfolio. Each model is for someone else, and the concept obviously makes sense with the Series 3 still sticking around . But it is true that they have it bent. Most likely, they will drop out of Apple's portfolio with the arrival of Series 8, i.e. this September. But it will certainly not happen in the same way as it happened now with the iPod touch, i.e. from day to day. The iPod touch is not getting a replacement and is definitely leaving the company's portfolio, the Apple Watch has to be represented by something.

Their role will thus quite logically be replaced by the SE model. In addition, this year it is expected that the company should finally come out with a sportier model of its watch, which will not only stand out with the Nike logo, but will actually bring a durable lightweight case and perhaps be cut down on some features to achieve a lower price and at the same time not cannibalize the SE model nor the higher Series 8. So we would still have a choice of three basic models that would still keep up with the current times.

For example, you can buy an Apple Watch here
