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The events of the last few days suggest that Apple's activities in the field of the entertainment industry will not end only with the launch of the streaming service  TV+. The company begins to build its own film studio and forms a partnership with Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks. The reason is the production of the first series in history, to which Apple will own the exclusive rights. The series will be called Master of the Air and will be a continuation of the successful one Brotherhood of the Undaunted a The Pacific from an HBO production.

So far, due to the absence of its own recording studio, Apple has not owned a single one of the twenty programs currently being created. This will change with the commissioning of the yet-to-be-named studio, and Apple will thus also lose certain costs for license fees for other studios.

Apple TV Plus

Apple has ordered nine episodes of Masters of the Air so far. The series tells the story of members of the Eighth Air Force unit, which transported American bombs to Berlin as part of helping to end World War II. The production of the series was originally undertaken by the HBO company, but they eventually abandoned work on it. One of the main reasons was the financial costs, which were estimated to reach up to 250 million dollars. However, financial demands were not a problem for Apple - the company had previously invested huge sums in the content of its  TV+.

Similar to Brothers in Arms or The Pacific, Tom Hanks, Gary Goetzman and Steven Spielberg will be involved in Masters of the Air. Both of the aforementioned series enjoyed great popularity and received a total of thirty-three nominations for the Emmy Award, so it can be assumed that even the newly emerging war series will not be a failure.

Apple TV Plus

Source: MacRumors
