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Apple launched a new campaign called Everything Changes With iPad and with her new website dedicated to the iPad. With its help, he tries to effectively show how the iPad can "change the way you carry out your daily activities". The site provides a demonstrative example of how you can work effectively with the iPad and a number of selected applications, whatever the content of your day. Apple has divided the tips for daily use of the iPad into the following sections: Cooking with the iPad, Learning with the iPad, Small Business with the iPad, Traveling with the iPad and Decorating with the iPad.

Apple seems to be trying to dispel some people's perception that the iPad is just an expensive toy for content consumption. Apple demonstrates the iPad's usefulness as a powerful tool for a whole range of activities in a new video. This really shows the iPad in a whole range of roles. Thanks to its help, people make cooking easier, use it when traveling, educate their children with its help, and so on. And the individual moments of this video are followed by the Apple website, which adds specific tips on applications and further explains the possibilities of use.

Each of the sections of the new website offers an image that shows what the iPad can do, as well as a number of recommended applications for different types of use. For example, "Cooking with the iPad" showcases apps that serve as a cookbook, an app for creating recipes, and an app that creates a shopping list of ingredients.

Recommended applications in this section include Green Kitchen, Cook or perhaps Epicurious and Apple is also promoting its Smart Cover, which will provide sufficient protection for the iPad while cooking. Of course, it is also useful thanks to its role as a stand. Attention is also paid to Siri, which can be used for a wide range of instructions without the person cooking having to put down the wooden spoons.

The "Learning with iPad" section focuses on the use of the iPad in learning at all stages of life. Apple shows how a tablet can be used for learning in a fun and visually pleasing way, highlighting an app for example Star Walk 2. The iBooks system reader or application also receives attention Notability a Coursera. The first of the named is a unique tool for both digital and manual note-taking. The second application then offers digital courses and lectures from world universities, similar to iTunes U. Other sections of the website are in the same vein.

It is worth noting that Apple also promotes an application developed in Brno in the "Traveling with iPad" section Tripomatic, which is mainly used to compile travel itineraries. Barbara Nevosádová from the company Tripomatic reacted to this great success of Czech developers as follows: "We take the fact that Apple considers us one of the world's best travel apps for iPad as a great recognition of the work we put into the iOS app. Also thanks to this campaign, we should celebrate 2 million downloads of our iOS apps this month.”

Apple has been promoting the iPad in many different ways lately, and we've seen a number of advertising campaigns in recent years. In Cupertino, they tried to attract new customers with, for example, the "Why You'll Love an iPad" campaign, "Your Verse" or the latest "start something new". The reason for an active approach to iPad advertising is certainly the fall in its sales. For last quarter Namely, Apple sold 12,6 million iPads, which is quite a bit compared to 16,35 million units sold in the same quarter last year. However, despite this decline, Tim Cook remained optimistic and within the framework his speech when announcing financial results stated that in the long run the iPad is a great business. He also stated that he firmly believes in the re-growth of his sales.
