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The Apple Store in Palo Alto is simply unique. Not just by going into it from time to time Apple CEO Tim Cook will visit, but also because of its relatively considerable popularity in thieves' circles. According to the latest information, it was robbed twice within twelve hours and equipment worth more than $100 was stolen, i.e. more than 000 million crowns.

Saturday evening

"The first theft occurred on Saturday shortly after 19 p.m. 8 black men between the ages of 16 and 25 in hoodies entered the store from 340 University Avenue, where they took the displayed new iPhones and various other electronics with a total value of around $57," the Palo Alto Online online newspaper reported about the events there Apple Store.

Sunday morning

Given the frequency of thefts at apple stores, this event probably wouldn't have attracted much attention if there hadn't been another in less than twelve hours. At 5.50am the following morning, a passer-by called the police to report that the shop's glass door had been shattered.

"Investigators determined that the offender or offenders entered the store by breaking down the door with either coconut-sized rocks or boulders," Police Officer Sal Madrigal told Palo Alto Online.

According to Madrigal, no arrests have yet been made in any of the thefts and it is unclear if the two are connected. In the second theft, over $50 worth of equipment disappeared.

Video of the 2016 San Francisco Apple Store theft:

Apple is aware of the problem of theft in its stores, so it takes special steps to deter thieves from committing crimes. For example, the exposed devices have an operating system enhanced with a feature that completely blocks it if it moves out of range of a given Apple Store's Wi-Fi network. A question mark hangs over the use of stolen iPhones to thieves.
