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Whenever someone mentions the Apple website, there is a high probability that they mean This is the main Apple site where you can find information about main products, access to the Online Store, support information and more. But did you know that apart from this website, the Cupertino giant operates several other domains? These are mostly domains that cover possible typos, but we can also come across pages that link to specific products. So let's take a look at the most interesting domains belonging to Apple.

Domains with typos

As we mentioned in the very introduction, Apple has several other domains registered under it to cover possible typos on the part of the user. It can quite simply happen that, for example, in a hurry, the apple picker makes a mistake when writing the address and, for example, instead of will only write So exactly for these moments, the apple company is insured by registering domains as,,,, etc. All these sites serve to redirect to the main page.

Domains for products

Of course, individual products must also be covered. In this regard, we do not only mean the main pieces, which include, for example, the iPhone, iPad, Mac and others, but also software. Specifically, the Cupertino giant has 99 domains associated with apple products under its thumb. Among the traditional ones we can include, for example,,,, and the like. However, as we have already mentioned, some domains also refer to services or software -,, or Of the more interesting ones, the website can certainly be interesting (in translation white iPhone) or, which, while referring to Apple's main page, is a clear reference to Apple's earlier Newton PDA (the official name was MessagePad). But this predecessor of the iPad never met with success, and Steve Jobs himself stood up to stop its development.


Several rather interesting domains that the giant manages for some reason also fall under the wings of Apple. In the first place here, we must without a doubt put domains a, whose goal is quite clear. These sites link to a website that displays messages from the fans themselves as a tribute to Steve Jobs. This is a relatively interesting project with a deeper meaning, where you can read how people actually remember the father of Apple himself and what they are grateful for. We could eventually include, for example, in the category of interesting domains retina. camera,, whether

Remembering Steve website
Remembering Steve website

Apple has almost 250 domains under its belt. It is clear that, for example, by covering points of interest, individual products or typos, he can ensure a greater number of visitors to his website, thereby simultaneously increasing his chances of profit. If you would like to discover all these domains and see where they actually point, we recommend the web application Apple Domains. Within this page, you can browse all registered domains and filter them by category.

Go to the Apple Domains web app here
