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Regarding the Apple Watch Edition, i.e. the gold series of the upcoming watches, the main topic of discussion is the price. Many are predicting an amount exceeding ten thousand dollars, but the gold itself, which Apple improved with its own help, is no less interesting for the gold Watch.

Jony Ive and his team's obsession with all the materials that appear in Apple products has gone so far as to create harder-than-usual gold in Apple's laboratories. Thanks to the new process, the molecules in 18-karat gold for watches are closer together.

"The molecules in Apple's gold are closer together, making it twice as hard as regular gold." he said Jony Ive in an interview for Financial Times. Thanks to this, the gold Apple Watch will be more durable, and thanks to this, Apple could use significantly less gold in its production.

Apple has patented a technology that can reduce 18-karat gold to half its weight. It is not an ordinary alloy, but a metal matrix composite, where instead of silver, copper or other metals, Apple mixes gold with light and bulky ceramic particles (in the classic ratio for 18-carat gold: 75% gold, 25% impurities). As a result, this means that this specially treated gold has half the weight of a regular 18-carat alloy.

Ceramic additives then make the resulting gold harder and much more scratch resistant. Using less gold than would be needed under normal conditions is important for two reasons: thanks to this, Apple can relatively reduce the price of the Watch Edition, and at the same time, it will not need such a huge amount of gold for their production.

Tim Cook already mentioned the new process that makes the gold in the watch harder during the September keynote, but was not more specific. Jony Ive has now confirmed that this makes Apple's gold twice as hard, and the company's mentioned patent even talks about four times the hardness.

Even the new technology, which looks inconspicuous, but could end up being one of the biggest innovations in the Apple Watch ever, will have an effect on the final price of the gold models. They are talking about a price from 4 to 500 dollars. We'll find out everything tonight.

Source: Leancrew, Cult Of Mac