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Apple products are characterized by the fact that they are easy to operate for both ordinary and professional users, but at the same time efficient to work with. However, some functions in the system were definitely not fine-tuned, and it is known that Apple does not always listen to its customers. One of them, taking up the entire screen with an incoming call, will finally see a change.

At WWDC today, it was announced that in iOS 14, incoming calls will not overlap the entire screen. Of course, I have to admit that this is by no means a revolutionary feature, but it may come in handy for many users. So far, if you've used your phone to present something in front of other people or used it as a sheet music while playing musical instruments, you've had to turn on flight mode or the Do Not Disturb function so that phone calls don't disturb you. Now you will have a perfect overview of them, but at the same time they will not cover the data that you need to see at that moment.


I repeat again that this is not a fundamental change, but it is a very pleasant benefit. Maybe it will seem insignificant to you after the update, but it can also be used, for example, if you use your phone as a navigation device in your car and don't want to be disturbed by handling calls. Of course, the aforementioned Do Not Disturb feature can be used for this, but it's great that users now finally have a choice and Apple is once again a little less restrictive.
