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If you are one of those individuals who are interested in Apple, then you may already have recently introduced operating systems installed on your devices. Specifically, Apple presented iOS and iPadOS 21, macOS 15 Monterey, watchOS 12 and tvOS 8 at WWDC15 about three weeks ago. Immediately after the presentation, developers could download and install the first developer beta versions of these systems. If you follow our magazine regularly, you must have noticed last night that Apple Issued the first ever public beta versions of the mentioned systems, that is, except for macOS 12 Monterey. Until now, it was not certain when the public beta version of this system would be released, but now we can say that it happened today, a few minutes ago. This means that macOS 12 Monterey is currently relatively easy for each of you to try. If you would like to find out how you can install the first public beta version of macOS 12 Monterey, then be sure to keep following our magazine. In the next few minutes, an article will appear in which you will learn everything.
