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About Apple Car, or project Titan, we have been writing more than usual in the last few days. The information vacuum has been broken by some interesting news and it seems that the flow of information is far from over. In the last articles we wrote about how the entire project took a new direction over the summer and that the entire car as such we definitely won't wait. This news has now been confirmed by another source as it has emerged that Apple has left the group several experts, who came to the company precisely because of the development of their own car.

The Bloomberg server came up with the information last night. According to him, 17 experts who focused primarily on chassis for both conventional and autonomous vehicles left Apple. Their fields of activity included, for example, the development of suspension and suspension, brake systems and others.

According to information from a source who did not wish to be named as it is internal information, these experts came from the automotive industry. Specifically, these were the original employees of car companies and automotive subcontractors who were based in Detroit and Apple pulled them in with the vision of developing and manufacturing their own vehicle. However, that has now changed and these people don't have much reason to stay at Apple.

The aforementioned have thus joined the new start-up Zoox, which enters the segment of fully autonomous vehicles. The company has managed to get big names from the industry in the last few months and its potential has also been duly appreciated. The value of the company was estimated at the end of last year at around one billion dollars. Since then it has increased by at least a quarter.

Source: Bloomberg
