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Apple has been the world's second largest smartphone manufacturer since 2011, when it was overtaken by Samsung, which has not let go of the top spot since then, and there are no signs that anything should change. For six long years, nothing changed even in the second place, all the fights took place only in the following places. However, that is over and Apple has lost its position. It has been replaced by a rival from China, which has been experiencing tremendous growth over the past few years.

This is a Huawei company, whose popularity is growing at a tremendous pace, both in China at home and in Asia in general, as well as in Europe. In recent months, the brand has also been trying to break through in the US, so further growth potential is in place.

This toss-up between second and third place is confirmed by data from the analytics company Counterpoint, according to which Huawei sold more phones than Apple in both June and July. The August data are not yet available, but it can be expected that there will not be a significant change, as not too many things have changed in the last holiday month.


On the contrary, September will be a breakthrough month, when Apple will most likely rise again. The second half of the year is traditionally better for Apple in terms of smartphone sales. The new iPhones are driving huge sales, and it can be expected that this will help the company regain the position it lost over the summer.

Even so, this is an admirable milestone that Huawei has reached. It can be expected that their numbers will clearly increase by entering the American market. Apple, as a global player, has a huge advantage in this. Its phones are available in basically all major markets. This year's product range, which should include three new phones, has huge sales potential.

Source: Cultofmac
