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For the first time, Apple has officially commented on the case of bent iPhone 6 Plus. The Californian company's message to the public is clear: only nine customers have complained about bent phones and these are completely isolated cases. Bending of the iPhone 6 Plus should not occur during normal use.

The affair with bent 5,5-inch iPhones began to spread online yesterday, various users reported that the new iPhone 6 Plus began to bend when carried in their back and front pockets. YouTube was then flooded with dozens of videos in which people test whether the body of the new Apple phone can really be bent. Apple has now come out with the fact that the problem is not as big as it is presented.

[do action=”quote”]During normal use, iPhone bending is very rare.[/do]

"During the first six days of sales, only nine customers contacted Apple saying they had a bent iPhone 6 Plus," Apple said in an official press release. "During normal use, it is very rare for an iPhone to bend."

Apple also explains how it designed and engineered its new iPhones to be both beautiful and durable. In addition to the anodized aluminum chassis, the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus also feature steel and titanium springs for even greater durability. "We have carefully selected these high-quality materials for their strength and durability," explains Apple, and also claims that in all the tests it has conducted on the user load and endurance of the device itself, the new iPhones have met or even exceeded the company's standards.

While Apple is encouraging all customers to contact the company if they encounter similar issues, it appears that the problem will not be nearly as big as it has been presented in the media in recent hours. According to Apple, only nine people have directly complained about the bent iPhone 6 Plus, and if that's true, that's really only a fraction of users, as the new 5,5-inch iPhone already has hundreds of thousands of customers.

Currently, Apple is dealing with a much more serious problem. Namely, the release of iOS 8.0.1 caused loss of signal and non-functional Touch ID at least for users of "six" iPhones, so Apple had to withdraw the update. Now he works to the new version that should arrive in the next few days.

Source: FT