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Apple has made another fairly significant acquisition. For an alleged $20 million (518 million crowns), he acquired the Israeli company LinX, which specializes in technology in mobile cameras, under his wing. California company purchase confirmed pros The Wall Street Journal traditional statement that it "buys small technology companies from time to time, but generally does not comment on its plans and intentions."

LinX Computational Imaging Ltd., as the full name of the company sounds, was founded in Israel in 2011 by optics specialist Ziv Attar and former head of the algorithm development team at Samsung, Andrej Tovčigreček. It focuses on the development and sale of small cameras for mobile phones and tablets.

Perhaps the most interesting technology that LinX uses in its products works with a set of sensors that take several photos at the same time and, in cooperation with their own algorithms, are able to measure the depth of the photographed scene and create a three-dimensional map.

Last year, LinX claimed that its mobile cameras achieve SLR-quality thanks to miniature modules and achieve high quality even in low-light conditions and fast exposure indoors.

We can assume that Apple will make the most of the newly acquired technologies and talent in the development of new iPhones, one of the main components of which is the camera.

Source: WSJ