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Ken Segall - the name itself may not mean anything to you, but when it says Think Different, you will definitely know what it's about. Segall is the former creative director of the ad agency behind the tagline and author of the bestseller Insanely Simple: The Obsession Behind Apple's Success.

At a recent lecture on the power of simplicity in Korea, he was asked about the hotly debated topic of whether Apple is less innovative after Jobs.

“Steve was completely unique and will never be replaced. So there is no way that Apple will always be the same. But I think his values ​​are still there, so are the unique people, so things are moving forward. I think innovation happens at the same pace, really.”

Segall noted that he thinks smartphone innovation is coming to an end, just as it is for computers, although there is still room for innovation in voice assistants such as Siri.

"I think phones are the most advanced products right now, we shouldn't expect huge leaps in innovation."

Segall was also asked, what he thinks about the dispute between two eternal rivals - Apple and Samsung. The two companies have been competing for the patent for seven years and only a month ago brought their dispute to a conclusion. According to him, both companies are different in terms of their philosophies, but still similar in certain things. Segall believes you are both companies "borrowed" the ideas of others in the creation of their smartphones, and according to him, it is therefore a legal matter.


Source: Korea Herald

