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In this regular column, every day we look at the most interesting news that revolves around the California company Apple. Here we focus exclusively on the main events and selected (interesting) speculations. So if you are interested in current events and want to be informed about the apple world, definitely spend a few minutes on the following paragraphs.

Work on the flexible display continues

In recent years, smartphones with flexible displays have started to appear on the market. This news was able to arouse diverse emotions almost immediately and divided the company into two camps. The king of the aforementioned market for phones with flexible displays is undoubtedly Samsung. Although the offer of the apple company does not (yet) include a phone with such a gadget, according to various information we can already determine that Apple is at least toying with this idea. So far, he has patented a number of patents that are directly related to flexible display technology and the like.

The concept of a flexible iPhone
Flexible iPhone concept; Source: MacRumors

According to the latest information from the magazine Patently Apple the Californian giant has registered another patent that confirms further developments in the flexible display. The patent specifically deals with a special security layer that should prevent cracking and at the same time improve durability and prevent scratches. The published documents describe how a curved or flexible display should use the given layer, which would prevent the aforementioned cracking. So it's obvious at first glance that Apple is trying to find a solution to the problem that plagues some of Samsung's flexible phones.

Images released along with the patent and another concept:

In any case, it is clear from the patent that Apple cares about the development of the glasses themselves. We could already see this in the past, when the iPhone 11 and 11 Pro came with stronger glass than their predecessors. In addition, the Ceramic Shield is a great novelty in the new generation. Thanks to this, the iPhone 12 and 12 Pro should be up to four times more resistant when the device falls, which was confirmed in tests. But whether we will ever see an Apple phone with a flexible display is of course unclear at the moment. The Californian giant issues a number of different patents, which unfortunately never see the light of day.

Crash Bandicoot is headed to iOS as early as next year

Do you still remember the legendary game Crash Bandicoot that was first available on the 1st generation PlayStation? This exact title is now heading to the iPhone and iPad and will be available in the spring of next year. The concept of the game will change anyway. Now it will be a title in which you will run endlessly and collect points. The creation is supported by the King company, which is behind, for example, the very popular title Candy Crush.

Currently, you can already find Crash Bandicoot: On the Run on the main page of the App Store. Here you have the option of a so-called pre-order. This means that once the game is released, which is dated March 25, 2021, you will be notified of the release via a notification and you will receive an exclusive blue skin.

An Apple Silicon chip-equipped iMac is on the way

We will end today's summary again with an interesting speculation. On the occasion of this year's developer conference WWDC 2020, we received very interesting news. The Californian giant boasted to us that, in the case of its Macs, it is preparing to switch from processors from Intel to its own solution, or Apple Silicon. We should expect the first Apple computer with such a chip this year, while the entire transition to custom chips should take place within two years. According to the latest information of the newspaper Chinese Times the first iMac to be introduced to the world with the Apple A14T chip is on its way.

Apple Silicon The China Times
Source: The China Times

The mentioned computer is currently under development under the designation Mt. Jade and its chip will be connected to the first dedicated Apple graphics card that has the designation Smoke. Both of these parts should be manufactured using the 5nm process used by TSCM (the main chip supplier for Apple, editor's note). In the current situation, the A14X chip for MacBooks should also be in development.

Acknowledged analyst Ming-Chi Kuo came up with similar news in the summer, according to which the first products equipped with an Apple Silicon chip will be the 13″ MacBook Pro and the redesigned 24″ iMac. In addition, there is a lot of talk in the apple community about the fact that the Californian giant is preparing another Keynote for us, where it will reveal the first ever apple computer powered by its own chip. According to leaker Jon Prosser, this event should take place as early as November 17.
