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Today, a number of different Internet search engines are offered, which can differ in their design, policies and a number of other features. Undoubtedly, the most used is Google Search, which we come across on practically every corner. By default, advanced browsers such as Google Chrome or even Safari are used for them. Possible alternatives could be Microsoft's Bing, privacy-focused DuckDuckGo, or Ecosia, which donates 80% of ad revenue to a rainforest conservation program. I use the Ecosia search engine, so you indirectly participate in ecology and solving environmental problems.

With regard to search engines, a rather interesting discussion is opening up among apple growers. Should Apple come up with its own solution? Given the reputation of the apple company and its resources, this is certainly not something unrealistic. Apple's search engine could, in theory, meet with relatively decent success and bring interesting competition to the market. As we mentioned above, Google Search is currently clearly dominating with roughly 80% and 90% share.

Apple's own search engine

As a technology giant, Apple places great importance on the privacy of its users. This is precisely why apple sellers are offered various functions and options that serve to mask IP addresses, e-mails, prevent data collection or protect sensitive data in a secure form. It is the emphasis on privacy that many apple growers perceive as the most important benefit. It is therefore more or less clear that if the giant were to come up with its own search engine, it would build it precisely on these company principles. Although DuckDuckGo is trying to do something similar, Apple could very easily and quickly surpass it with its reputation and popularity. But it is a question of how it would fare in a fight with Google Search. In addition, the Cupertino giant is able to come up with his own creation practically immediately. He already has the necessary technology.

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As we mentioned above, Google Search has the most unrivaled share of the search engine market. His main income comes from advertising. These are in most cases personalized for a specific user, which is possible thanks to the collection of data and the creation of a specific profile. Most likely, there would be no ads at all in the case of Apple's search engine, which would go hand in hand with the aforementioned emphasis on privacy. So it's a question whether Apple's engine could compete with Google's popularity. In this regard, there are questions over whether Apple's search engine would be exclusive only to Apple platforms, or on the contrary open to all.


On the other hand, Apple already has its own search engine and enjoys a relatively solid popularity among Apple users. It's about Spotlight. We can find it in the operating systems iOS, iPadOS and macOS, where it is used not only for searches across the system. In addition to files, folders and items from applications, it can also search within the Internet, for which it uses the voice assistant Siri. In a way, it is a separate search engine, although it does not even come close to the quality of the mentioned competition, as it has a slightly different focus.

In the end, the question is whether the Apple search engine could actually succeed. With the aforementioned privacy in mind, it would definitely have pretty solid potential, but it probably wouldn't make it on Google. Google Search is extremely widespread, and in the field of Internet search, it is also the best without competition. That is why such a percentage of users rely on it. Would you like your own search engine, or do you think it's pointless?
