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Hollywood is a film paradise where huge money has always been made. However, in the United States in recent years, another phenomenon has grown up in the entertainment industry, which is hot on Hollywood's heels in terms of financial earnings - the App Store, a digital store with applications for iPhones and iPads.

Recognized analyst Horace Dediu performed a detailed comparison between Hollywood and the App Store, and its conclusions are clear: developers in the App Store earned more in 2014 than Hollywood took in at the box office. We are only talking about the American market. On it, apps are a bigger business in digital content than music, series and movies combined.

Apple paid developers roughly $25 billion over six years, making some developers better-paid than movie stars (most actors make less than $1 a year acting). In addition, the median income of developers is also likely to be higher than the median income of actors.

In addition, the App Store is apparently far from ending in this position. Apple at the beginning of the year he announced, that in the first week alone, half a billion dollars worth of apps were sold in its store, and overall, the amount spent in the App Store in 2014 increased by half.

Compared to Hollywood, the App Store has one more advantage in one area – it creates more jobs. In the United States, 627 jobs are associated with iOS, and 374 will be created in Hollywood.

Source: Asymco, Cult Of Mac
Photos: Flickr/The City Project