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Many of us certainly use the virtual voice assistant Siri on our Apple devices. In our countries, Siri's capabilities are somewhat limited, but even in English we can handle quite a lot with her. In today's article, we will show you five tips and tricks that you will certainly welcome

try it again

Do you feel like Siri doesn't understand you anymore? One of the quite common causes can be that you simply speak differently to it than when you first set it up. In this case, the solution is very simple. On your iPhone, run Settings -> Siri and Search, where you turn the option off and on again Wait to say “Hey, Siri”. This will launch Siri settings so you can enter your commands more thoroughly.

Teach Siri names

As we already mentioned in the introduction, due to the lack of localization into Czech, Siri can sometimes also have problems with Czech names from your phone book. But that doesn't mean she can't learn to pronounce them at least approximately correctly - just on her iPhone you activate Siri and you say the command “Hey, Siri, learn how to pronounce [person's name]”. Wait for confirmation, whether this is really the contact you want to work with, and then you can teach Siri the correct pronunciation.

Turn off voice response

Siri understands you very well even when you whisper, but unfortunately (yet) she cannot answer in a whisper. If you find the voice response of the virtual assistant on your iPhone too distracting, you can easily and quickly turn it off. On your iPhone, run Settings -> Siri & Search -> Siri Answers, and select here conditions, after which they will run spoken responses Siri.

Make sure Siri understands you

Even for a digital voice assistant like Siri, it can sometimes be easy to simply mishear yourself. If you want to be sure that Siri really understood what you wanted to say to her, you can activate the display of the transcription of your commands on your iPhone. You can do so in Settings -> Siri & Search -> Siri Answers, where all you have to do is activate the option Always show speech transcript.

Third-party applications

Apple has been allowing Siri to work with some of its third-party apps for some time now. In practice, this means that you can give your voice assistance commands directly related to the given applications - for example "Find Metallica on Spotify" or "Get me an Uber". If you want to activate or deactivate the connection with Siri for individual third-party applications, start on your iPhone Settings -> Siri and Search. And bottom of the application window then you can grant permissions to individual applications.
