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The vast majority of users generally do not need to adjust their display after purchasing a new iPhone. But over time, it may happen that the default display settings of your smartphone no longer suit you. In such cases, you may find our tips useful, with the help of which you can customize the iPhone display to the maximum.

Adjusting the sensitivity of 3D Touch and Haptic Touch

For many years, iPhones have been equipped with a function that allows you to perform various actions by long pressing the display, such as displaying context menus. Not comfortable with the amount of pressure you have to apply to activate this feature? In that case, go to Settings -> Accessibility on your iPhone. Tap on Touch -> 3D and Haptic Touch, and you can adjust the said sensitivity on the slider in the 3D Touch Gesture Sensitivity section. In this section, you can also set the length of the touch and test the sensitivity of 3D Touch gestures.

Deactivate tap-to-wake screen

If you tap the locked iPhone screen with your finger, you wake up the screen and can, for example, check the current time or unlock the phone directly. However, some people may not like this feature. Fortunately, the iOS operating system offers an option to disable tap-to-wake. Just head to Settings -> Accessibility, where in the Mobility and motor section, tap Touch. Here you just need to deactivate the Tap to wake function.

Enlargement of controls on the display

You can set either a standard or a magnified view of the controls on your iPhone's display. In case you prefer a magnified display, head to Settings -> Display & Brightness on your iPhone. Here, aim all the way down, tap View and choose Zoomed. When you change the display type, your iPhone will restart.

White point reduction

Although the iPhone offers the possibility of activating the dark mode, Night Shift and other improvements, thanks to which the display of your smartphone will not figuratively burn your retina, it may happen that, despite these settings, the view of brighter elements will be unpleasant for you. In this case, the white point reduction setting can help. Go to Settings -> Accessibility on your iPhone. This time, head to the Display and Text Size section, where you'll activate the Reduce White Point feature at the bottom of the screen.
