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Ladies and gentlemen, we have finally arrived. Many apple fanatics certainly have today, October 13, circled in red on their calendars. In just 5 minutes, the conference will start, where we will see the presentation of the iPhone 12. In addition to Apple phones, we should also see the new HomePod mini, quite possibly the presentation of the AirTags localization pendant, AirPods Studio headphones, the AirPower wireless charger, or perhaps next generation Apple TV.

Throughout the conference, and of course also after the end, we will inform you through articles about all the news that Apple will come up with. So if you don't want to miss anything, definitely follow Jablíčkář.cz magazine, or our sister magazine Flying around the world with Apple. We already know that in the coming days and weeks we will bring you reviews of all the products that Apple will present today, so you definitely won't be upset with us even after this Apple Event is over. In addition to our live Czech transcription, you can of course also watch the conference directly from Apple's website or on YouTube. If you will be watching today's iPhone 12 presentation with us, believe us, we appreciate it immensely!
