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We have prepared for you the most interesting games that are discounted today. Unfortunately, it can easily happen that some applications will be at full price again. We have no control over this and would like to assure you that the app was on sale at the time of writing.

Don't Starve Together

Today, the extremely popular and extremely positively rated survival game Don't Starve Together came to the event on Steam. In this breathtaking 2D title, you and your friends will face various pitfalls. That's exactly why you have to fight enemies, grow crops, build and together discover the corners of this mysterious world.

  • Original price: €14,99 (€5,09)


Starbound can simply be described as Terraria in a sci-fi jacket. You will explore space and land on individual planets, where you can build a shelter, make tools and collect various raw materials. Many of the planet's inhabitants will not be very friendly, so be prepared to fight for your life.

  • Original price. €13,99 (€5,59)


You can also buy Griftlands at a discount on Steam today. It is a turn-based rogue-lite RPG in which you will build your own decks of cards, with the help of which you will then fight against various enemies. But don't forget the fact that every decision you make is important, so don't underestimate any situation. Outside of combat, you'll also negotiate and steal to get your way.

  • Original price: €16,79 (€11,24)


Today on Steam, you can also get INMOST, an atmospheric and story-based puzzle game with a great story line and three playable characters, for a discounted price. In their role, you will look into an abandoned castle where a dark secret awaits and it will be up to you to sneak past enemies, avoid traps and conquer all the puzzles.

  • Original price: €12,99 (€6,49)


In Barotrauma, you dive underwater. This is a 2D submarine simulator in which you will have to cooperate and thus work for mutual survival with the entire crew. But the game doesn't take place on Earth and you can play in two ways. Either you and your team will help each other, or you will sabotage the entire operation and decide to continue alone.

  • Original price: €24,99 (€6,24)