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We have prepared for you the most interesting applications and games that are completely free today. Unfortunately, it can easily happen that some applications will be at full price again. We have no control over this and would like to assure you that the app was free at the time of writing. To download the application, click on the application name.

File Explorer for Mac

By downloading the File Explorer for Mac application, you get a great tool with which you can instantly connect your iPhone, iPad or even Apple TV to an Apple computer. Thanks to this, you can, for example, browse files stored on your Mac directly on the TV and possibly play them directly.

  • Original price: 129 CZK (Free)

Cosmic cast

If you are among the lovers of various podcasts and are looking for a suitable client, then you should definitely not overlook the Cosmicast program. So this application works as a client for playing podcasts, and at first glance it can impress you with its great design and user interface. In appearance, the tool copies the design of native apple applications.

  • Original price: 129 CZK (79 CZK)

Platypus: Fairy tales for kids

If you are currently looking for a suitable application for a child, you might be interested in the Platypus: Fairy tales for kids program. This great game tells an interactive story about how important friendship and form are to us. Anyway, the degree is in English, so the presence of an older person is necessary.

  • Original price: 79 CZK (Free)

sketch party tv

If you often hang out with friends and are looking for something to keep you occupied, you should at least check out the SketchParty TV app. In the case of this game, you will be able to use items that you already have at home and use them for guessing while playing the game itself. You can see how the title looks and works in the gallery below.

  • Original price: 179 CZK (149 CZK)