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We have prepared for you the most interesting applications that you can get today for free or at a discount. Unfortunately, it may happen that some applications return to their original price. Of course, we cannot influence this in any way and we want to assure you that at the time of writing the application was available at a discount, or even completely free.

Make Me Smile

As the name itself suggests, the Make Me Smile application is used to put a smile on your face. You will surely come across a situation more than once a day when you need to cheer up. This tool can fulfill exactly those requirements, and every time you turn on the application, something awaits you that will make you smile.

Status Watch Save for Whatsapp

If you only use WhatsApp to communicate with family members, friends or colleagues, Status Watch Save for Whatsapp might be useful for you. This tool is used to create QR codes referring to various statuses or posts, which saves you time when meeting another person.

Box Breathe

In today's relatively busy time, each of us should take at least a moment for ourselves and relax. A number of useful applications can help us in this direction, including Box Breathe. This tool works as a breathing exercise instructor and helps you with meditation as well.
