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My Diggy Dog 2, Mars Info and Phil the Pill. These are the apps that went on sale today and are available for free or at a discount. Unfortunately, it may happen that some applications return to their original price. Of course, we cannot influence this in any way and we want to assure you that at the time of writing the applications were available at a discount, or even completely free.

My Diggy Dog 2

If you are looking for a relaxing game that can keep you entertained and can be played through Apple TV, then you should definitely not miss today's discount on the title My Diggy Dog 2. In this game, you will see the story of two adventurers who set out to explore the world with with a vision of finding an ancient treasure, thanks to which he will reveal all the mysteries of the universe. During one of their expeditions, however, they come across a puppy, which they name Marty, and subsequently the three of them continue their adventure.

Mars Info

If you are interested in astronomy, like to learn new things about the universe and are fascinated by the red planet, or Mars, then you should definitely not miss today's discount on the Mars Information app. This program will allow you to explore the mentioned planet and thus provide you with a lot of valuable information.

Phil the Pill

In the case of the Phil The Pill game, you will definitely be excited by its great story, which will also slightly test your logical thinking. Specifically, this adventure game offers 96 unique levels where you will have to jump over various obstacles, throw bombs at enemies and the like. The goal is for you to save your home earth from an attack by a villain named Hank The Stank.
